Lars Quotes

Lars Quotes

"I don´t think our success has changed us as people at all. We are still the same lunatics that we were when this band got going. We never see ourselves as being on a higher level than the fans"

"To be totally honest with you I´ve never looked forward and said, ' Oh yes, we´ll have limos and be selling out huge venues'..."

"Metallica will never sacrifice stage bullshit for the venues we wanna play, and we just aren´t the type of band that you see as a live show"

"Rule number one is, never give a shit"

"We´re a bit too heavy and intence for the LA crowd. People are billing us as the heaviest US Metal Band"

"The Worst thing for me was when my favorite band came to town, and I was in the audience and they´d do five songs from an album that wouldn´t be out for two months."

"People can throw all this Tap shit at me all day, it just deflects off me. I don´t give a shit. If we worried about the shit that people were gonna throw at us, then it would be a very different Metallica. We´d worry ourselves to death"

"Our music comes from our hearts - And it always has."

"I mean who gives a shit it you're the 'in' thing. It's just satisfying to feel that we're reaching out and more and more people are opening up to us."

"I don't think you can categorise us. Thats what we have got a goddamn name for _ METALLICA _ so you know know who we are !!"

"The minute you wake up, it's there. That feeling in your stomach . . . Like it's noon, and you wanna go out on stage and get going, but you got nine hours of sweaty palms ahead of you."

What's the message in Metallica? There is no message, but if there was a message, it really should be look within yourself, don't listen to me, don't listen to James, don't listen to anybody, look within yourself for the answers."

"We are not different from our fans. We see the world with the same eyes as anybody else. We don't live in castles or hide behind bars. We haven't built an imaginary world with hundreds of girls and lots of drugs. We live on a real world."

"The 'not-giving-a-fuck' meter is as far into the red-zone as ever before."

"You can't worry about how people will react or interpret what we do. You're bound to be running in circles all day."

"What's this all about? It's about music, it's not about anything else, it's not about having the coolest cover, or the coolest title, or about anything. It's just about music..."

"Let's see, I think the first thing we gotta to do is obviously, like you guys were expecting, is we gotta tank Jethro Tull for not putting out an album this year. Ha, Ha!!"

"I guess these things just went down in value, uh, if we can win one I guess anyone can, uh."

"As long as it says Metallica on the record it's Metallica."

"One of my few shortcomings is that I can't predict the future."

"...Metallica mythos...distilled the essences of the comic books and horror movies and the fantastic literature of metal itself..."

"Things are so deep and people are always trying to read shit into things that real simple. Some people try and tell you what the songs are about and it bores me to death."

"I don't like to be pigeonholded, and I really like that people never really know what's going on with Metallica."

"Dear «The Kids», Don't waste your precious holiday time sittin arround all this bullshit x lies, GO FUCK SHIT UP!! Lots 'O' Love. P.S. Happy whatever!"

"I tink if people sit down and consider the amount of dedication we put into what we do, we are at the paramount of that scale."

"Doing things the way you see it, going by your own heart and soul, that is pure artistic integrity. Whatever the hair is six or sixty inches long, the eyes have make-up or not, the riffs are in 'E' or 'F' sharp, the amps are Marshall or not, all those things don't matter if you are doing it for the right reason, which to me means doing it for yourself!!"

"The 'not-giving-a-fuck' meter is as far into the red-zone as ever before."

"We formed this band when we were 18-19, we couldn't play... We were just like 'Let's get together and play some cover songs, drink some vodka...' a year and a half later we were touring the world, releasing records."

"What's this all about? It's about music, it's not about anything else, it's not about having the coolest cover, or the coolest title, or about anything. it's just about music..."

"If you sit there and you know that rule #1 is just that everything you do is honest and just a natural and instinctual extension of your self, then there you go."

"What's the message in Metallica? There is no message, but if there was a message, it really should be look within yourself, don't listen to me, don't listen to James, don't listen to anybody, look within yourself for the answers."

"Isn't that the whole integrity of this fuckin' band to do different shit? We've always tried to avoid following what everyone else is doing, It's a challenge to come up with things that are original. It's not easy, but that's part of the fun."

"The day Metallica's over, I'm not going to put an ad looking for another band. I'll put my drumsticks on the shelf and there's 14 other things I wanna try. Metallica's the only band I've ever been and it's the only I ever wanna be in."

"Our music comes from our hearts - And it always has."

"Right now we're stading at a massive point of rebirth."

"The new album will come out some time in November - Knock On Wood."

"We are going to hit the smaller cities on road after the release of the new album."

"I'm just sittin here trying not to be unhappy."

"Everytime we put a record out, we lose people that can't deal with the growth."

"Metallica's the only band I've ever been in. I'm not sure that when it ends in five, ten years, I'm going to put an ad in the paper saying, 'stupid drummer looking for stupid people to play music with.' Metallica is it and I think when that ceases that's it."